Academic Coaching

for Academic Athletes

since 2006

Cultivate unique gifts and bear genuine talents!

Be a Good Student

Be a Nice Person

Pursue Your Passion


~ Duke

~ Harvard


~ Princeton


~ Stanford

~ Yale

~ Columbia

~ Georgia Tech

~ UC Berkeley

~ Williams

~ John Hopkins

~ Wellesley


~ Cal Tech


~ MIT ~ Duke ~ Harvard ~ UCLA ~ Princeton ~ NYU ~ Stanford ~ Yale ~ Columbia ~ Georgia Tech ~ UC Berkeley ~ Williams ~ John Hopkins ~ Wellesley ~ UIUC ~ Cal Tech ~ USC

Dr. Mao understands something about college admissions that most people don’t: colleges don’t accept applications; they accept people. Dr. Mao’s approach to college counseling is unique in that it focuses not on optimizing for college outcome, rat-race style, but on becoming a good, complete human being and accepting the prestigious college invitations as a happy outcome of it. Though Dr. Mao helped me tremendously in learning how to study, succeed in a class, and win numerous STEM competitions, the biggest lessons I learned from her were about people. She taught me so many life skills that I realized even my classmates at Stanford are not well-versed in: how to talk to teachers, how to ask for accommodations, how to write formal emails, how to leave a polite voicemail to a potential mentor, how to develop lasting relationships with my teachers.

Dr. Mao is an incredibly dedicated, detail-oriented person. She always went the extra mile to make sure I was on schedule with my application, whether it was tracking the many deadlines for transcripts, SAT score reports, and rec letters or checking in with my essay progress. She pays deep attention to every word she reads, constantly checking to see if an essay can be improved and making sure that not a single word is misspelled or not a single verb tense is incorrect. Before I submitted each application, she made sure to print out all twelve pages of my Common App and read them line by line (with a ruler), and in this way she caught numerous typos, inconsistencies, and other mistakes which I had completely overlooked. This rare commitment to the craft comes from what is perhaps Dr. Mao’s most attractive quality: she cares. Through working with Dr. Mao, I can say with certainty that she was 100% invested in me and my future. This knowledge was empowering and inspirational to me, and enabled me to reach levels of success and achievement that I previously could not even envision.

Dr. Mao is not a typical “college counselor,” or even a college counselor at all. Dr. Mao was more like a “life counselor” throughout my four years of high school. Dr. Mao would ask me big, philosophical, difficult questions: What are my interests? What do I want to do? What makes me happy? What kind of person am I? Like a detective, Dr. Mao always started by asking these big questions, and as we talked, she helped me put together the pieces into the phrases and sentences that became my college essays. It’s because of Dr. Mao’s questioning and investigating that I know myself now, at least a little bit better than I did when I was just another nerd in ninth grade. I hope that Dr. Mao will help many future students to know themselves, and to tell their own stories too.

Dr. Mao understands that it is not enough to have an interest (my interest was in astronomy and space) -- it is important to find opportunities to grow and nurture that interest. Dr. Mao also understands that interest never means just "one" thing. When I told Dr. Mao I wanted to pursue astronomy, she didn’t just help me find research positions and other opportunities to get better at astronomy. She also encouraged me to branch out, into community service work, and music. She encouraged me to start a new club, and to start a band with my friends, even though I felt uncomfortable doing it. But I think she understood, much before I did, that the "root" of my interest in astronomy was deeper than just being interested in stars. It was that I appreciated the beauty and elegance of space, how organized it is, and how that beauty universally serves people all over Earth. She saw that I would find that same beauty through music, organizing people in clubs, and serving other people however I could. Dr. Mao saw me as a “whole person” and gave me the coaching I needed to thrive not just academically, but creatively and socially too.

Dear Dr. Mao, 

For me, you will always be my “God Sent Angel” who has been present for me when I needed most: helping me plan the most crucial junior year, helping me write my essays, advising me on the most critical decisions, and all this while encouraging me to give my best. 

I don't know if there is anything I can ever do for you, but, Dr. Mao, I can promise you that I’ll try to copy you to the best of my ability and be a kind person like you wherever I go and pass on what I have learned from you: being kind!

I sincerely hope that I can keep in touch with you even after I go to college!

Dr. Mao’s priority is to coach her students into being well-rounded and decent people. So although Dr. Mao gave me lots of coaching about what classes to take and college applications, the most important things she taught me were not college-related; not directly, anyway, but it turns out that they are the most essential skills in life: how to say thank you graciously, to my most helpful teachers. How to ask for help or advice from mentors, by writing a polite email in the right tone -- respectful of their time and wisdom, and humbly requesting help. How to find my place in a team, whether I am the more experienced senior, or the totally new member, just there to learn. How to reflect on what kind of person I am, what my interests are, and my values. When I first arrived at college, I found myself using these skills over and over again, applying to jobs or working at internships, or connecting with professors.

Dear Dr. Mao,

From summer camp applications, my personal projects, and application profiles for school counselors to Siemens, Intel STS, and college applications, I accomplished many “Mission Impossibles” under your professional, extremely creative, and patient guidance. I have also been accepted to my dream school, which was definitely hard to reach. I hope to continue seeking your advice after I go to college and beyond. 

Dear Dr. Mao, 

No words can express how thankful I am for your support and advice over these long months, but I will try anyway. 

Thank you for having faith in me, pushing me, helping me reach my full potential, realizing my passion, and always being there. 

I hope to stay in contact.

Dr. Mao,

Thank you for your wonderfully inspiring ideas and your staunch determination to make the world a better place for me and other HS students!

Thank you for encouraging me to be honest and to express myself!

You are definitely the most passionate and dedicated person I’ve met.

Dear Dr. Mao,

Thank you for being my counselor and “coach.” From writing these college apps, I have gained new insight and experiences on how to write and express myself. I really appreciate your help and knowledge.

Without your guidance, I never would have achieved such great success getting into Stanford, MIT, and Harvard.

Dear Dr. Mao, 

It is so kind that you spent a lot of time with —, generously providing your incredible knowledge and wisdom, and guiding him to develop best of self and pursue better opportunities for a bright future. You go beyond a college counselor, but a life mentor and true friend. The encouragement, love and support you've given will make —'s life different.

Thank you so much for everything!

Dear Dr. Mao, 

Thank you for your time in helping me with the application process. Even though it was only for a short time, your insight and ideas inspired me to brainstorm many topics I otherwise wouldn't have gained. In a time where everything seemed to be getting out of hand, your help gave me the confidence to keep persisting in my essays and understand how I needed to get back on track.

Dear Dr. Mao,

Thank you for guiding me through the application process for the —-- program - from commenting on the essay to training me for the interview. I’m really glad (and surprised) to be able to become so well-prepared for each selection round and can enjoy a wonderful and meaningful summer.

Dear Dr. Mao, 

It’s been such a wonderful experience getting to work with you. Thank you very much for editing over and over for my essays! I got a lot of feedback and ideas each time you edited and really appreciated the time you took to help me practice for the —- interviews. I am really glad that you led and joined with me throughout this college application process.

Dear Dr. Mao,

Thank you so much for being my counselor and helping me with my private high school applications. I have learned so much from you. I learned to become a better student and a better person, and how to develop my passion.

Dear Dr. Mao,

I committed to - - -! I’m certain that I would not have reached here had it not been for all your help. I will never forget all the long nights you spent helping me with my applications, all of your good advice, and all the encouragement you gave me. I really hope that we will always stay in touch. Once again, a heartfelt thank you!

Dear Catherine,

I cannot put into words how grateful I am to have a counselor like you. You have guided me through every step and have truly made the college application process much less intimidating. With your guidance, I have not only been able to complete my application essays but have also been able to learn more about myself. You have given me the confidence and support to pursue what I love (for that, I am also eternally grateful). Thank you for the positive influence you have made in my life!

Much Love (and appreciation!)

Dear Dr. Mao,

…Since I became your student, my growth and improvements have skyrocketed. Not only in school but also being a loving and kind person. I treasure your teachings a lot! …I am exceptionally grateful and honored to be your student and will continue to work hard. Thank you so much!

Dear Dr. Mao, 

I really enjoyed the class time that I spent with you. I really appreciated the help that you have provided me in self-inspection when writing essays and the resources that you have provided. Please take care. I really hope we could meet again in the future.

Dear Dr. Mao,

I have seen significant growth in achieving academic success and shaping my own point of view since working with you. I don’t think I could become the person I am today without your help and teaching. Thank you so much!